We can define allergy, as a defensive reaction of antibodies and cells that have a destructive power, before a strange substance, within our body. In allergy, an inflammatory, asymptomatic process (without symptoms) is presented or considered.
The child can present 4 types of allergies, such as skin allergies, respiratory tract allergies, digestive tract allergies and anaphylaxis (affecting the body in full). These types of allergies are caused by the predisposition presented by the pediatric, being inherited from their parents. Being before an exposure to the actor causing allergy, such as: dust, mites, or within this classification the environment as humidity or temperature. It is important, to clarify that not necessarily all foreign substances, they will be considered dangerous, this in order not to alarm parents. Commenting on this point, we remember the need for food, with breast milk in the first six months of life, so that the baby receives the defenses to meet in this case the cause of any type of allergy. (Mosby Ocean Dictionary, 4th edition).
The 3 most common allergies are atopic dermatitis (inflammation of the skin, which produces pruritus or desire to scratch), asthma and rhinitis. These are interrelated, a predisposition to present allergic respiratory paintings or diseases.
Most common respiratory allergic diseases:
- Rhinitis: Inflammation of the nasal roads, usually associated with rhinorrhea sensitivity to dust, mites, animal dandruff, or allergens. (Medicinal Ocean Dictionary MOSBY, 4th edition).
- ASMA: Respiratory disorder characterized by contractile, inflammatory and edematous bronchial narrowing with episodes of dyspnea, wheezing, cough and mucous bronchial secretions. When allergic, it is caused by exposure to an inhaled antigen or transported by air. Mainly during the night or the mountains very early (medicinal ocean dictionary MOSBY, 4th edition). It can be mentioned not necessarily as asthma, but if cases of early closure of the airway, by the same allergic reaction.
- Sinusitis: Inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses. With accumulation of secretions, with pain, fever, etc. (Medicinal Ocean Dictionary MOSBY, 4th edition).
Treatment and recommendations for respiratory allergies:
Treatment is basic but important, with which we can keep the allergic peaks controlled in our children.
Medical control, to reveal a diagnosis of the type of disease or respiratory allergy present in the child.
Drugs for the control of inflammation, recommended by the pediatrician or medical of header.
Antiallergic vaccines, usually apply at 5 years of age. Now, they have oral vaccines and drops.
Avoid wet places within the households, for example, use & ldquo; dehumo-rdquo;
Consider sudden changes in temperature as the main cause of an asthmatic, rhythmic or allergic picture, avoid changes, take consideration as sheltered at night, not frequent places that make use of air conditioning, cars control the air that Enter the windows or the conditioning address.
If you have stuffed animals, it is preferable to have no toy of this type, in case of having it, wash them approximately every 2 or 3 days, put the bed mattress daily for the control of mites, try to use A cover for this mattress, the bedding wash it every 2 days approximately and use antiallergic-type bedding that can be found for sale in different stores. Remove rugs from the rooms and the house in general.
If mom or dad are smokers strictly prohibited smoking. But reiterate that in doing so are residues in the clothes, and on the skin of the smoker that alter the reaction of the allergic patient's respiratory system.
Do not make use of wood kitchens, nor agents as strong as this that give an immediate response of the respiratory system.
The ventilation of the room house is a primary part of the treatment, no closed windows is necessary, but neither do it completely open.
Use the medication (in case of having it and being sent by the doctor) in the appropriate way, at the same time, to achieve a normal lifestyle, like that of other children, without the need to set aside Exercise, games, etc.
Avoid food, such as shrimp, peanuts, certain green foods, which can trigger a respiratory allergic reaction, and even the body in general, leading to fatal consequences, as is the case of anaphylactic allergies.