
Physiotherapists in Merida

The physiatrice is the specialty that is mainly concerned with the rehabilitation of people with motor pathos.For this, it works B & Ausically Three Large & Aacute: the F & Iaculture Medicine, the Rehabilitation Medicine and the Electrophysiological Studies. Aquay.Professional Profitures and rehabilitation within the city of Merida Yucat & Aacute, Professional Services to treat injuries that require specific rehabilitation of M & UACcle or Ligaments.

L.R. Zazil L Piña González.

Physiotherapist functional-aesthetic dermato

Professional ID. 4383550 UADY


  • Possurgical rehabilitation
  • Post rehabilitation
  • Body remodeling (stretch marks, cellulite, localized fat, flaccidity)
  • Handling of wounds and scars
  • Physiotherapy in burns

North branch. (Altabrisa)
street 12 x 5 y 7 Fracc. San Carlos


Dr. Georgina Nemegyei Villanueva

Medical Specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine  CPE 9648535/unam

High specialty in Enfermedades Neuromusculares  INR/unam


  • Rehabilitation Neuromuscular Diseases
  • weakness, dystrophies and neuropathies.
  • pain and osteoarthritis: neck (cervicalgia), back (lumbalgia), knees (gonalgias), shoulder, hip, hands.
  • Sports injuries, rehabilitation of fractures and orthopedic surgeries
  • Facial paralysis, sequelae of EVC and embolism, Parkinson, multiple sclerosis and demyelinating diseases
  • Neurological damage, hypotonia, spasticity
  • Defects of posture and weakness
  • Electromyography, neuroconduction speeds
  • Auditive, visual and somatosensory potential

Rehabilitation and stimulation clinic Reintegra
street22 No. 97 b por 19 y 21. Col Mexico. CP 97125, Merida, yucatan

Phone. 9992 87 09 07 / 9994 90 00 04