& iquest; what Is it a dislocation or luxuro?.
The joints are two or more connected bone points connected by ligaments. A dislocation is a lesion in the joint in which the bones are forced to perform a movement out of their natural rank causing the permanent loss of the contact of the joint surfaces, and can be total (luxurious; n) or partial, if there is contact between bones (subluxal).
& Iquest; Qu 8 Is it a dislocation or luxuro of the foot?
The dislocation of the foot is a very common injury in which there is damage occurs; or in the joint due to a forced movement of the bones that form it . The M & AUCUTE is the sub-saastragalina where a luxury is produced Astricute and Astricute Lake without altering the tibial Astragalina. In function of the position of the foot can be medial (flexion planting of the foot) or sides (flexi- nurse of the foot)
In spite of not being a serious injury, it is possible that, without a good diagnosis and treatment, generate complications such as damage; or in the nerves or blood vessels of the articulation.
& iQuest; are the common causes of the dislocation of the dislocation?
The COMPLICATE OF THE SUBLOXING OF THE FOOT, THE TRAUMATISM CALLED BY THE TRAINS AND BROWS THAT HERE TO TIME PRESSIÓN ON THE ARTICLATION. However, there are other risk factors that have an impact on the development of the injury:
- sports that require turns, such as skating.
- Contact Sports.
- Muscle weakness.
- Hypermovable joints.
& iquest; Cuather, are the common of the common dislocations?
The S & Examination of the Dislocation of the Foot is the intense pain in the area of the foot. Other S & Cute of this injury are:
- Inflammation in the area.
- Deformity of the joint.
- Lack of mobility in the articulation.
First aid treatment for the dislocation and subluxal of the foot:
It is important not to try to place the joint in its joint position unless a specialist does it. When we suffer a luxurious it is important to apply ice and immobilize the area.
Nursing care, for the older adult
What to value?
There are many dimensions to assess the elderly: physical, activities of daily life, mental state, psychoafective and social or family. To facilitate learning, the following development follows this same order of precedence.
- Observing & Ldquo; Sunned eyes “ and laxos, which is produced by a loss of eye support structures.
- Observe dryness and loss of ocular shine
- Observe Senile arc formation, due to cholesterol deposits
- LAGRIMEE reduction
- Increased intraocular pressure
- Reduction in the pupilar reaction before the light and in the adaptation to the dark
- Value the need to use lenses by decreasing visual acuity (near and far), glossy light tolerance, visual fields, and lens accommodation
- Reduction of viso-spatial perception
- Reduction in differentiation between green and blue, while improving the perception of warm colors like yellow and orange
- Value the need to use hearing aids for loss of auditory acuity (decreases the ability to perceive, locate and discriminate sounds, due to the decrease of ciliated cells from the Corti organ from 50 years)
- Value the postural control Reflection
- Reduction of the ability to scroll in the dark
- PRESBIACUS, that is, the sound intensity increases
- Reduction of tolerance to high tones
- increases the ability to reaction to a stimulus, which increases in those over 70 years
- Value the irrigation of falling for losses of equilibrium and postural control
- Loss of the sense of taste for dryness of mucous membranes
- Loss of appetite
- Reducing the acuity of taste buds
- Reduction of heat feeling or cold
- Reduction of the sensitivity of the reflection Tusigen
- Value the degraclusion (it is difficult with age)
- Reduction of vomiting reflection
- Value the chewing skill
- Value dental deterioration (loss of parts)
- Value the need for use of dental prostheses
- Valuing oral health, caries, periodontal diseases, alterations in oral mucosa, xerostomy, language disorders, reabsorption of alveolar flange and increasing the incidence of malignant changes are frequent.
- Reduction of the sense of smell for a decrease in the vascularization of paranasal sinuses
- Observe the growth of the nasal cartilage and hypertrophy of the nose wing villi
- Respiratory device
- Reduction of the respiratory volume
- Reduction of peripheral perfusion
- Increased diameter anteroposterior and thoracic rigidity
- Reduction of ciliary movement and efficiency of cough
- Reduction of muscle distensibility; Hypoventilation of the alveoli with the consequent decrease to the tolerance of the exercise
- Reduction of mucus product of the dryness of the mucous membranes which predisposes to respiratory infections
- Assess in front of a respiratory chart the mechanics of cough and favor hydration to fluidify secretions.
Cardiovascular system
- Increased systolic pressure with a slight increase in diastolic pressure; Orthostatic hypotension.
- Reduction of frequency and cardiac output, between 30 and 40% during physical effort
- Reduction of arterial circulation
- Palpus easily palpable peripheral pulses (Pulsos weakest pedios)
- Value the presence of venous insufficiency especially at the lower extremities, which increases the risk of ulcers, stasis, varicose, edema and inflammations.
Gastrointestinal apparatus
- Reduction of production of saliva, gastric acid, digestive enzymes and intestinal mucus.
- Reduction of intestinal motility, due to neuronal aging in the central nervous system and changes in collagen.
- Reduction of esophageal peristaltism
- Reduction of food tolerance Product of the decrease of Bacterian flora.
- Value the removal pattern (constipation)
- Value the presence of fecal incontinence, associated with three main causes: fecal impaction, underlying disease and neurological disease
- Observe prognathism (loss of facial height)
- Value symptoms of esophagitis or gastroesophageal reflux, product of esophageal expansion.
- There is a feeling of precocious gastric fullness
- Reduction of the size of the liver and the ability to metabolize Certain drugs
- Observe signs of malnutrition
- Rate preferences and food tastes
Renal device
- Reduction of kidney perfusion
- Value the removal pattern (Nicturia)
- Value the presence of symptoms and / or signs of urinary incontinence, (of stress, urgency, inappleer, overflow and functional), which can be presented in a unique or simultaneous form
- Value the difficulty to start and finish the jet of urine in the male, due to a prostatic hypertrophy
Female Player System
- Treaching and shortening of the vagina
- Reduction in the production of estrogen
- Changes in the vaginal flora and pH. - Reduction of vaginal lubrication
- Observing vulvar atrophy
- Reduction and clearance of the Pubian hair
- Observe the crushing of larger lips and minors
- Reduction of breast tissue becoming pendulas, elongates and / or flaccids
- Rate presence of: vaginitis, disapaneuria and hemorrhages.
- Rate irritations at vulvar level
Male Player System
- Reduction of the size and firmness of the testicles
- Increase in the size of the prostatic gland
- Increase in penis diameter
- Reduction of testosterone production