
Endodontists in Merida

Endodontics is the treatment of root ducts, this corresponds to all therapy that is practiced in the dentino-pulp complex (ie the dental pulp and its dentin) of a tooth (currently the term better accepted is a dental organ).It is also the dental specialty recognized since 1963 by the American Dental Association.Endodontic therapy consists of partial removal (temporal teeth pulpotomies) or total dental removal (nerve-artery-vein).

Dr. Stephanie León Bolaños

ESpecialist in Pediatric dentist and Endodontics
Professional ID. 6945358
Sp. Ced. 10024527

  • Endodouncies with digital x-rays
  • Rotary system

Previous care appointment

999 4819776 Address

The White Loft
Av. Cámara de Comercio #266
x 34 y 36 San Ramón Norte.
Merida, Yucatán

Especialidades Dentales Office

Dr.Mirely N Ucan López

C.D. Endodoncist
street 76 #455 x bis x 45 y 47 Centro Merida
(999) 928 9368

Dr. Víctor Manuel Novelo Alvarez

Professional ID. 4423179
street 31- A N° 237 x 26 y 28 Col Alemán
Tel: (999) 928 8390