
Chiropractors in Merida.

Chiropractic or chiropraxia is a pseudoscience that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of musculoskeletal system, especially the spine,


Chiropractic graduates

Deg. Mitzi Quezada
Professional ID. 7238133

Different rehabilitation and recovery programs:
Column programs
Shoulder pathology program
Knee pathology program
Neurological rehabilitation
Post Operative Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation and sport enablement

Phone.3743780 / Mobile 999 218 43 59


33a Street 506 J. Office 5. Av. Colón.
Plaza Versalles.
Centro. Colony

Appointments to 999 374 37 80 999 569 11 80

Dr. Jonathan Vazquez Denis
Quiropractico Quirofisioterapeuta


20 Street #45-G x 3 & 1-HMexico Norte Colony 8 Office

999 9437375

Dr.Carlos Monsreal Rodriguez

Chiropractic Address

street 20 #45-G x 1H & 3Mexico Norte Colony

9993 38 56 71