The rheumatologist is the rheumatology specialist, a medical specialty, branch of internal medicine and pediatrics, dedicated to clinical disorders (not surgical) of the locomotor and connective tissue, which covers a large number of clinical entitiesAlso well known as rheumatic diseases, to which a large group of systemic involvement diseases are added: connectivetopathies.Rheumatologists (specialists in rheumatology) mainly treat patients with clinical entities of localized involvement that generally damage joints, bones, muscles, tendons and fascias, etc., and even diseases with systemic expression.
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Main musculo-skeletal diseases
Mechanical (includes paraspinal disorders)
inflammatory: ankylosing spondyloraarthritis
neurogenic (sciatic) and sinister (infection or neoplasia)
Other causes of lumbar pain
Software rheumatism
Periarticular rheumatism
Regional musculos-skeletal disorders
Bursitis, tendon problems, EntherOpatías
Other regional syndromes
Syndromes of generalized pain as fibromyalgia
Inflammatory arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Youth chronic arthritis
Diffuse Diseases of Connective Tissue
Drop or crystal arthritis
Infectious arthritis
metabolic, endocrine and other
Bone diseases
Paget's disease and others
Connective tissue diseases
Systemic lupus erythematosus
scleroderma (diffuse, limited or crest and others)
Inflammatory myopathies (polymyositis, dermatomyositis)
Sjögren Syndrome and others
Rheumatoid arthritis
In ancient times of medicine, arthritis was considered as a single disease against which & quot; little could be done & quot; except to advise the taking of colchycin or derivatives of the willow's crust, and wait. Despite being a serious illness, it remains an unknown pathology for the general population since it is often confused with other rheumatic diseases.
The term & quot; arthritis & quot; It includes all those rheumatic diseases in which the process triggers inflammation. This chronic affectation causes the inflammation of the surrounding joints and tissues and is normally followed by an extra articular behavior that damages organs such as the lung, the heart or kidney, so rheumatoid arthritis is considered a systemic disease.
This pathology is based with pain, rigidity, swelling and loss of joint mobility, especially hands, feet, wrists, shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. If the intensity of inflammation is high and maintained can cause general alterations as a fever or fever, fatigue and fatigability, loss of appetite and thinning.
There are multiple causes that can result in a person the presence of arthritis: infections, the deposit of crystals, genetic-based disorders, autoimmune diseases, arthritis related to tumor processes, endocrine diseases and disorders of the metabolism of the lipids.
According to the EPISER study on prevalence and impact of rheumatic diseases, conducted by the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER), it is estimated that in Spain more than 200,000 people suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and each year are diagnosed around 20,000 new cases , I do very important, if we take into account that rheumatoid arthritis is the most unable of rheumatic diseases.
The lupus is framed within autoimmune diseases. The body's immune system usually produces proteins called antibodies to protect the virus organism, bacteria and other foreign substances called antigens. In an autoimmune disease such as lupus, the immunological system is & quot; confused & quot; and it does not differentiate between the foreign particles (antigens) and the cells themselves, and produces antibodies against & quot; itself & quot; To these antibodies are called & quot; auto antibodies & quot;, and join with their own antigens forming immune complexes that cause inflammation and damage to tissues.
Systemic erythematosus lupus is, in addition, as its name suggests, a systemic disease. This means that it can affect many organs: skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs ..., but half of patients with lupus have almost exclusive skin and joint involvement. Thus, the disease frequently exhibits - in the nose and cheeks - an erythema shaped of butterfly wings.
Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease, that is, it produces inflammation of the affected organs and persists over a long period of time, which could mean throughout life. However, lupus manifests alternating periods of greater activity or more symptoms (exacerbation) with others inactivity (remission).
Each person has a different pattern of the disease, which sometimes makes diagnosis difficult. This pathology can be presented at any age, but the most frequent thing is to start in youth, so early diagnosis is extremely important.
The EpiSer study on prevalence and impact of rheumatic diseases, carried out by the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER), evidences a prevalence of some 10 cases of lupus per 100,000 inhabitants.
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