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Adults and the covid 19

The pandemic by Covid-19 implies a great challenge in the management of adult patients with congenital cardiopathies (CCA). This population presents a great diversity of cardiac injury and physiopathological conditions that make it difficult to make a risk stratification of adverse events.In the absence of observational studies, the recommendations of the experts are important.

When to consult a geneticist?

The birth of a child with some kind of anomaly in his development determines an impact that affects his family and also to the health team.Depending on the severity of the defect present, the mobilization of different professionals occurs in order to meet their needs, starting the appropriate mechanisms to achieve an accurate diagnosis and finally provide a treatment that does not always involve their healing, but it allows usGuide your follow-up with rehabilitation techniques, which ultimately facilitate your family and social integration. Among the professionals who participate in this process is the genetician doctor. The proposal by the obstetrician, neonatologist or pediatrician of the need for interconsultation with this professional always generates concern and uncertainty. What does my son have? Why it happened? Can you repeat it again?

What is cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver slowly deteriorates and works badly due to a chronic injury.The healthy tissue of the liver is replaced by scar tissue, partially blocking the circulation of blood through the liver.

Can vomiting and diarrhea be dangerous?

Vomiting and diarrhea (liquid and frequent intestinal evacuations) can be harmful because they can cause dehydration.Dehydration occurs when too much liquids are lost.Young children and older adults can dehydrate rapidly, but dehydration can happen at any age.
Vomiting and diarrhea can be caused by a number of things, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, some medications, or some medical condition.Food difficult to digest (such as too sweet) and, meat and fish that are not well cooked (rawly or partially crude) can also cause vomiting and diarrhea.

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