
Cardiovascular surgeons
in Merida

Cardiovascular surgeons operate the heart and blood vessels in order to repair the damage caused by diseases or disorders of the cardiovascular apparatus.Cardiovascular surgeons perform many different types of operations, including repair and valvular replacement, repair of heart defects, coronary bypass, repair of aneurysms, transmodeocardial laser revascularization and heart transplants.They also carry out operations of the blood vessels, including the aorta that is the main source of blood irrigation of the organism.Cardiac surgery today can also include the use or implementation of ventricular assistance devices (DAV), mechanical devices that provide insufficient heart "assistance", helping it by pumping blood to the whole body.


Dr. José Manuel Gutiérrez García

Cardiovascular surgeon

Professional ID. 3947467
Sp. Ced. 6880496 INCICh-UNAM

Consejo Nacional de Cirugía del Tórax: 313

9999 70 0770 Send Whatsapp

Dr. Luis Daniel Lizama Rodríguez

Cardiovascular surgeon

Professional ID. 4518692
Sp. Ced. 8129183 Ministerio de Sanidad, España

Endovascular surgery certification and percutaneous aortic prosthetic implant TAVI (transapical y transfemoral).
Consejo Nacional de Cirugía del Tórax: 368

Appointments to Faro del Mayab Hospital / Office 712
Street 24 Unnumbered por 7 y 7a Santa Gertrudis Copó C.P. 97115 Merida Yuc 
CelAppointments to 999 994 9895

Send Whatsapp

Dr. Rodrigo Mariscal Morales

Cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia

Professional ID. 3592538
Sp. Ced. 5452623 INCICh, CDMX

Consejo Nacional de certificación en Anesthesioloía 6622

9992 71 4661 Send Whatsapp

Part of the services we offer:

  • cardiac rehabilitation.
  • Coronary revascularization surgery: without or with extracorporeal circulation, arterial.
  • Replacement or aortic valvular repair, mitral, and tricuspidea.
  • Surgery of congenital heart disease, neonates, children, adults (selected cases).
  • Surgery of pericardial pathology.
  • Open, Endovascular or Mixed Surgery of the Thoracic Aorta.
  • Percutaneous Aortic Valvular Prosthetics Implant (TAVI).TransaPical and Transfemoral Via.
  • Varrician treatment for sclerotherapy

Star Medica Hospital
Office #719street26 #199,ColonyAltabrisa 97133 Merida, Yuc.
(999)750 16 92 9991 33 24 77 Send Whatsapp See Website