In the first month of life the schedules: from the baby is governed by the need to feed and by its temperament
During his first month of life, newborn babies use most of the time in sleeping. They wake up almost exclusively to eat, every 2-3 hours of average. Some babies spacish more take them during the night, since the beginning. This depends on the temperament of the newborn, although the type of power can also influence the schedules: of the baby.
Before birth, the baby does not have schedules:. She feeds on a continuous way through the placenta. She is not hungry. He sleeps when she seems and nobody controls it.
During the first month of life, the schedules: of a baby is usually a little chaotic and is basically governed by the need to feed. After satisfying the hunger, the baby relaxes and usually sleeps.
Some babies are regular to eat and sleep, others are less. This depends on the temperament of the baby.
Babies usually do between 8 and 12 chest shots the first 2-4 weeks of life and distribute them in two different ways:
- One, throughout the day and night. The intervals are always 2-3 hours.
- Others, during the night they make a longer pause (4-5 hours), with equal number of tomas in total, that is, they take every 1 hour and a half or 2 hours.
Both types of babies ingest Similar amount of milk in total.
The internal rhythm of the baby is not easy to modify, and less achieve it right away. The schedules: from babies is adapting with respect to:
- The milk flow. When the mother starts to produce an adequate amount of milk to the needs of the baby, usually from the third week, sometimes, later.
- The care received, which will condition the quantity and quality of environmental stimuli.
During the first month, the baby sleeps, although there is noise around him or, even if it is full day.Later, these factors influence you more and more.