

otorrinolangologists in Merida gives you the Phone: S and addresses of specialists in otorringelingologistsology (ORL) is the medical specialty that is responsible for prevention, diagnosis and treatment, both medical and surgical, of diseases of:

  1. hearing.
  2. Superior Digestive Airways: Mouth, Nose and Snash, Faringe and Laringe.
  3. the upcoming structures of the face and neck.

Dr. Iván Diaz Esquivel


Professional ID. 596481

Postgraduate in Centro Hospitalario “20 de Noviembre”.

Member to consejo Mexicano de Otorrinolaringologistsología y Cirugía de cabeza y cuello.

MIcRocurity, Endoscopy and Laser Rays: ears, nose, throat and larynx, deafness, vertigo, voice disorders.

Functional and aesthetic surgery of nose.


Medical Center of Las Americas
Office 312.
street 54 #369 x 33-A

(999) 926 4278

Dr. Miguel Cámara Cámara


Ears |Nose |Gorge

  • Microsurgery of mouth ropes
  • Ear Microsurgery
  • Surgery for sleep apnea.
  • Video Endoscopy of nose, ears and vocal cords
  • Nasal endoscopic surgery with microdebridor for _Sinusitis, nasal polyps and cornets.
  • Functional and aesthetic surgery of nose
  • Adenoamigdalelectomia with diathermy.

Merida clinic
Office 206
Av Itzaes

999 925 9966 9999 92 87 16 Send Whatsapp

Dr. Ivette Díaz Lara


High Specialty in Rhinology and Facial Surgery

Professional license Specialty. 10150646

Attention of patients with:

  • Hearing loss
  • ears buzz
  • Pain or Ear Supuration
  • covered ear and vertigo or dizziness.
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, ronquera.
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose.
  • Appearance of masses on the neck.
  • Nasal and facial aesthetic surgery

Attention to:

  • Surgery of tonsil and adenoids.
  • Cornets surgery.
  • Endoscopic functional surgery of nose and sinuses (/ li>
  • Functional and aesthetic surgery of nose
  • Liposuction of Neck and Papade
  • Bichectomy (Fat Removal of cheeks)

Faro del Mayab Hospital
Office 609.
street 24 Unnumbered x 7 & 7A Santa Gertrudis, Copó, 97115 Merida, Yuc.

Citas: 999 921 4942 Emergencies at: 999 359 7287 See Website

Dr. Luisa del Carmen Medina Carril


Professional ID. 1303507
Professional license Specialty. 3150425

Attention of patients with:

  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Rhinosinusitis
  • otitis media acute and chronic
  • Acute and chronic tonsillitis
  • laryngitis
  • Acute and chronic pharyngitis
  • Sleep apnea

Medical Center Pensiones
Office 211
street 7 #215-A x 32 & 34
García Ginerés Colony

(999) 925 8048 9991 27 68 57 Send Whatsapp