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What is gerontology?
It is considered a branch of medicine that studies the physiopathological phenomena of old age.
Study, treat and prevent the various diseases related to aging.
also suggests the hygienic-dietary measures that adults must follow to avoid premature aging.
The Gerontology (from Gercent , elder and logos , study) is the area of knowledge that studies old age and aging of a Population.
Unlike the geriatrics -rama of medicine that focuses on the pathologies associated with old age, and the treatment of the same -, gerontology deals, in the area of health, strictly of aspects of health promotion .
For the rest, it addresses psychological, social, economic, demographic and other aspects related to the older adult.
Various factors explain the recent development of this type of concerns. First, the increased importance that the aging of the population has taken.
To this are added the current living conditions of the elderly who, unlike what happened earlier, the most common is that they no longer conserve such close family links with their family; From this isolation it is the need to worry about its economic autonomy and by the different problems linked to the state of increasing loneliness in which they are found.
Gerontology has a double objective:
From a quantitative point of view , the extension of life (give more years to life, delay death)
From a qualitative point of view , the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly (give more life to the years)
Gerontology is a multidisciplinary study because, as any new area of knowledge, it has nourished and nourishes of the knowledge provided by others.
Thus, biology, sociology, psychology, anthropology, demography, education and other fields of knowledge pour their share of participation to make gerontology a reality as a field of independent knowledge.
Gerontology affects the quality and conditions of life of the senior adult through the design, execution and monitoring of policies and programs aimed at the benefit of the elderly population.
In this way, add life to the years more than years to life; The latter would be a goal of geriatrics.
Symptoms of the Parkinson
Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder of unknown cause so far.
was described in 1817 by James Parkinson, British doctor who calls her & ldquo; the trembling and rdquo paralysis;.
In the 60's, an important cerebral defect was identified. It was discovered that some people presented a significant loss of brain cells that produce a chemical called dopamine. In this way the first effective treatment was found for this disease.
Parkinson's disease has symptoms at the motor level. The main ones are the tremor in the hands, in the arms and legs, also on the face and in the jaw.
There is rigidity in the extremities and in the trunk and slowness in the movements, as well as instability of the posture.
As these symptoms develop, patients may have difficulty walking, to speak and to perform simple actions.
This disease is chronic, that is, it lasts for a long time and is also progressive, that is, the symptoms worsen over time. It is not contagious nor inherited.
Attaches men and women over 50 and the symptoms are present about 60 years. Currently, this disease is also recorded in 40-year individuals, early Parkinson.
Initial symptoms:
The first symptoms are almost imperceptible and gradually occurring. Patients can say that they feel tired, some can register a certain tremor or they may have difficulty getting up from a seat. Some notify difficulties in the diction and calligraphy, there may be depression or irritability without apparent reason.
The first to realize are usually the relatives who observe the little expressiveness of the face, the slowness in carrying out the tasks of the affected person.
By progressing the disease, the characteristic tremor is accentuated and interferes with the activities of daily life, eg. Eat or read the newspaper.
Other symptoms:
Other symptoms that accompany this disease are:
Emotional changes (greater fear and insecurity)
Difficulty swallowing and chewing.
Changes in the diction.
Urinary or constipation problems.
Cutaneous problems.
Sleeping and dream problems.
Given any of these symptoms, medical consultation is important.With neurological and psychiatric care and with adequate medication these patients can cope with the symptoms of their disease.In some cases, especially in advanced ages, geriatric hospitalization is required for better care.
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