Calculations on the gallbladder
The calculations in the gallbladder (scientifically known entity as 'gall lithiasis') are hard deposits that are formed in the gallbladder, and of size that varies (it can be from as small as a grain of rice until taking theSize of a golf ball).
Calculations in the vesicle are not only given in adults.Since the generalization in the use of certain diagnostic techniques, such as abdominal ultrasound, more and more cases are being diagnosed in the pediatric age.Some studies affirm that it could affect up to almost 2% of children.
How the gallbladder calculation affects children
We will go down to describe some of the peculiarities of children's biliary lithiasis:
- Distribution by sex. In the first years of life, both sexes are affected. In the older children, female sex is preferably affected.
- Characteristics of calculations . There are two types: Cholesterol (suppose approximately 50%) and pigmentaries (of these, most are brown and soft consistency). They can be unique or multiple, and its size is variable.
- Factors predisposing . Hemolytic disease, parenteral nutrition, prematurity, Crohn's disease, Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, obesity, cholestasis, etc. In most cases, even so, there is no factor that conditions them.
- Symptoms. is usually asymptomatic. In some cases it appears: abdominal pain in the upper right, discomfort related to digestion, nausea, vomiting.
- Diagnosis. is done through an abdominal ultrasound.
- TREATMENT. If it produces symptoms, we have to pay adequate treatment. Ursodexicolic acid can be used in concrete cases for 6 months (indicated if there are small radiotransparent calculations). Surgery is reserved for complicated cases.
If your child needs to undergo surgery, you probably have many questions, several of them related to anesthesia. You may be asked if your child will feel pain during surgical intervention, he will be aware of what is happening, he will wake up in the middle of the operation and he will be afraid, or he will not feel good later.
The concept that your child is unconscious or loses sensitivity in the body can be disconcerting, especially when the health and well-being of it are entrusted to another person. However, nowadays, anesthesia is very safe. Unlike past anesthesia, when doctors used to use anything more than ether and stethoscope, currently highly trained professionals who use a wide variety of insurance medications and monitoring equipment administer modern anesthesia in hospitals and surgical centers. < / p >.
If your child is programmed a lower ambulatory procedure or a major surgical intervention that requires recovery time at the hospital, it is important that you are prepared to support it. The more informed, calm and quiet is with respect to surgical intervention and anesthesia, the more likely there is that the experience is easier for you and your child.
What can the children fear?
The level of development and age of children play an important role with respect to what fear awakens them in relation to receiving anesthesia. Some children, especially the little ones, can be fear that they separate them from their parents. Therefore, you may feel safer with mom or dad's company in a waiting room or preoperative induction room until you fall asleep.
However, older children may have much more complex fears: exposure of body parts during surgery, cuts and scars in the body, wake up during surgery, loss of control, pain after surgery and even Death.
A common concern among children, small and older, is whether they will receive an injection and, if they receive it, if it hurts them. It is possible to apply a type of local anesthetic cream on the skin to remove the pain from the needle punctures when an intravenous probe is placed. Usually, this is effective in relieving fears that are related to receiving a " injection "
And, depending on the type of surgical intervention and anesthesia that is used, in many cases children can inhale or take medications that help them relax and be sleeping before entering the operating room. In addition, children are often given an anesthetic that is inhaled so that, when breathing, they are asleep in the operating room before they are placed an intravenous path.
Most common pediatric surgeries
In the pediatric age, the ideal moment to carry out a non-urgent surgical intervention depends on several factors:
- Risk of the disease and possibility of complications during the waiting period.
- Possibility of spontaneous regression of the disease.
- Psychological factors: importance of the child's separation of his parents, collaboration of the
- Child in the postoperative period, variability in the quality of the postoperatively according to the child's age,
- Psychological situation of parents (fear of surgery, anxiety for waiting ...).
- Specific risk of the intervention.
- Technical aspects of the intervention. Some complex surgeries are delayed until the difficulty associated with the age and size of the child decreases.
While the first two factors remain unchanged and the third can vary in each particular case, the last two are in continuous change, by the development of new surgical techniques, pediatric anesthesia and postoperative care. There is a tendency to advance the surgical correction age in several pathologies (hypospadias, cryptorchidia, Hirschsprung disease).
Although there is no universally accepted surgical calendar, in general they are accepted, with some margins.
We will then review the most frequent surgical interventions in pediatric surgery, classified, for practical reasons, according to anatomical regions.
Face and Neck
- Lingual frente: relatively vascular membranous replication that connects the lower face of the tongue at the base of the mouth and can cause speech and suction difficulties. Its section is indicated to diagnosis.
- Lipstick: fleshy retreat between the internal face of the upper lip and the upper gum that can produce the separation of upper central incisors. Its treatment is indicated when this happens and always after the appearance of the definitive dentition, after assessment by its orthodontist.
- Appendices and pre-headphones Fostes: Produced during the formation of the headset pavilion. Appendices pre-headphones only have aesthetic importance and its removal is indicated from 6 months,